tisdag 12 mars 2019


Jag förstår att det snöar på sina ställen, här får du en liten vårfilm 
från Langeland. 

4 kommentarer:

Rämmengården sa...

Fin bild man längtar till vår men idag har det snöat hela dagen. Ha det fin kram från Nina

Theresa williams sa...
Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av bloggadministratören.
smithgagnon sa...

I have been using this herbal cure remedy for 3 months now. So far, it has cured my HEPATITIS B, eliminated my COLD SORE, improved energy and metabolism, in the morning I feel recharged and I no longer feel sleepy after a meal. As for the scent, it does smell like motor oil but I chase it down with 100% Cranberry Juice 1tsp. twice a day AFTER a meal. I also experienced vivid dreams for about 5 days now it's diminishing to during the first 2 or 3 hours of sleep . contact : EMAIL..DR. EKPEN ::
doctorekpen222@gmail.comor call/whatsapp +2348169340571. you can get the
cure from him and be free from all kinds of diseases.

loved sa...

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